From a request for a painting of "Old Boots", to a beautiful painting , to 500€ raised for the Mazwi Project, to the painting being given to JIBC to hold Elias and the project in our hearts, to pride of place hung in the Church Centre.
July 2018
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ
We at JIBC are excited about a project we are undertaking for our missionaries, Graham and Sarah, who are working with the charity Acacia (Assisting Communities And Children In Africa) in Mazwi Village, Zimbabwe. Graham and Sarah visited us a few weeks ago and shared a vision they have from God for Mazwi Village and that is to see a building project come to fruition. Pastor Steve felt, as they shared with us one Sunday morning, that God was prompting us to help this happen……… we sit in our comfortable chairs Mazwi people do not, as we have a lovely building to worship in Mazwi people do not (they meet in structures made with wooden poles and tarpaulin), as we have toilets Mazwi people do not, as we have health care at our finger tips Mazwi people do not. As you can imagine there are lots of other health issues that would really benefit from a clinic, which will be included in the new building.
So, the project is to build a multi-purpose building which will include a church hall, classrooms, toilets and the clinic. Graham and Sarah have plans for this but no finance. We at JIBC are looking to help them with this. We are praying for God’s blessing on the project We plan to keep this at the forefront of our minds, prayers and actions over the next year.
We know God is moving in a mighty way through Graham and Sarah………He can do immeasurably more than we could ever ask or imagine.
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ
We at JIBC are excited about a project we are undertaking for our missionaries, Graham and Sarah, who are working with the charity Acacia (Assisting Communities And Children In Africa) in Mazwi Village, Zimbabwe. Graham and Sarah visited us a few weeks ago and shared a vision they have from God for Mazwi Village and that is to see a building project come to fruition. Pastor Steve felt, as they shared with us one Sunday morning, that God was prompting us to help this happen……… we sit in our comfortable chairs Mazwi people do not, as we have a lovely building to worship in Mazwi people do not (they meet in structures made with wooden poles and tarpaulin), as we have toilets Mazwi people do not, as we have health care at our finger tips Mazwi people do not. As you can imagine there are lots of other health issues that would really benefit from a clinic, which will be included in the new building.
So, the project is to build a multi-purpose building which will include a church hall, classrooms, toilets and the clinic. Graham and Sarah have plans for this but no finance. We at JIBC are looking to help them with this. We are praying for God’s blessing on the project We plan to keep this at the forefront of our minds, prayers and actions over the next year.
We know God is moving in a mighty way through Graham and Sarah………He can do immeasurably more than we could ever ask or imagine.

As you can imagine it can be freezing during the winter months and boiling hot in the summer.
So far, we have seen the foundations laid and supplied bricks to start building the ECD centre (the building being done in stages).
If you have any ideas on how we could raise monies towards this very worthwhile project we would be very grateful to hear from you.
You can see the wonderful works that go on in Mazwi Village on Acacia’s Facebook page.
If you would like more information, please feel free to contact Annette Ashton at [email protected]
September 2019
So far, we have seen the foundations laid and supplied bricks to start building the ECD centre (the building being done in stages).
If you have any ideas on how we could raise monies towards this very worthwhile project we would be very grateful to hear from you.
You can see the wonderful works that go on in Mazwi Village on Acacia’s Facebook page.
If you would like more information, please feel free to contact Annette Ashton at [email protected]
September 2019
April 2020
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ
We at JIBC are excited about a building project we are helping to see come to fruition for our missionaries, Graham and Sarah, who are working with the charity Acacia (Assisting Communities And Children In Africa) in Mazwi Community, Zimbabwe. We were challenged to help because as we sit in our comfortable chairs Mazwi people do not, as we have a lovely building to worship in Mazwi people do not (they meet in structures made with wooden poles and tarpaulin), as we have toilets Mazwi people do not, as we have health care at our finger tips Mazwi people do not. They have several mamma’s who are HIV positive and have a day journey each month to pick up their life saving medications (all of whom are sponsored). As you can imagine there are lots of other health issues that would really benefit from a clinic, which will be included in the new building. They have children of all ages who go to school because of a sponsorship programme.
So far, enough money has been raised to see the completion of all the groundworks, foundation and flooring for the whole building. Now due to money limitations they are having to build up one room at a time, they have decided, first of all, to build up the ECD (Early Child Development) Centre and there was enough money to complete the brickwork up to almost roof level. Now they await more funds.
to edit.
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ
We at JIBC are excited about a building project we are helping to see come to fruition for our missionaries, Graham and Sarah, who are working with the charity Acacia (Assisting Communities And Children In Africa) in Mazwi Community, Zimbabwe. We were challenged to help because as we sit in our comfortable chairs Mazwi people do not, as we have a lovely building to worship in Mazwi people do not (they meet in structures made with wooden poles and tarpaulin), as we have toilets Mazwi people do not, as we have health care at our finger tips Mazwi people do not. They have several mamma’s who are HIV positive and have a day journey each month to pick up their life saving medications (all of whom are sponsored). As you can imagine there are lots of other health issues that would really benefit from a clinic, which will be included in the new building. They have children of all ages who go to school because of a sponsorship programme.
So far, enough money has been raised to see the completion of all the groundworks, foundation and flooring for the whole building. Now due to money limitations they are having to build up one room at a time, they have decided, first of all, to build up the ECD (Early Child Development) Centre and there was enough money to complete the brickwork up to almost roof level. Now they await more funds.
to edit.
May 2020
Please see attached photos, taken this week of ongoing work on the building project at Mazwi. Sarah and Graham were able to purchase some more cement this week to enable them to do some more of the brickwork on the ECD classrooms; Praise the Lord. They now need to try and purchase another window, which, as you can see from the photos is missing.
We are thinking of ways to raise money in the future to continue our support, we have missed out on a lot of fundraising this year especially the auction which usually brings in a substantial amount. We have the sale items, and hopefully we can have this next Spring.
Please see attached photos, taken this week of ongoing work on the building project at Mazwi. Sarah and Graham were able to purchase some more cement this week to enable them to do some more of the brickwork on the ECD classrooms; Praise the Lord. They now need to try and purchase another window, which, as you can see from the photos is missing.
We are thinking of ways to raise money in the future to continue our support, we have missed out on a lot of fundraising this year especially the auction which usually brings in a substantial amount. We have the sale items, and hopefully we can have this next Spring.
Mazwi Update 25.6.20
Morning from cold Bulawayo. The roof for ECD block is $13,000. We have to put a septic tank in before they will connect water...estimate for that is $8,000. 5 big window frames @ $90 each. We need reinforcing metal bars @ $120. Double door frames X 3 are $100 each. 8 toilet windows are $20 each. Single door frames X3 are $15 each. These are obviously at this week's rate of exchange! Hope this helps. Blessings and love The reason we have been given this information is because we were asked by some in the fellowship if there was a breakdown of the costs, as some might like to donate to a specific item. The ECD (Early Child Development) block cannot open until, obviously firstly the roof is on and secondly the toilet block is completed, this is a requirement of the authorities. They have started to build the toilet block adjacent to the ECD room, but are needing the items listed above, especially the septic tank.
Morning from cold Bulawayo. The roof for ECD block is $13,000. We have to put a septic tank in before they will connect water...estimate for that is $8,000. 5 big window frames @ $90 each. We need reinforcing metal bars @ $120. Double door frames X 3 are $100 each. 8 toilet windows are $20 each. Single door frames X3 are $15 each. These are obviously at this week's rate of exchange! Hope this helps. Blessings and love The reason we have been given this information is because we were asked by some in the fellowship if there was a breakdown of the costs, as some might like to donate to a specific item. The ECD (Early Child Development) block cannot open until, obviously firstly the roof is on and secondly the toilet block is completed, this is a requirement of the authorities. They have started to build the toilet block adjacent to the ECD room, but are needing the items listed above, especially the septic tank.
Mazwi Building Project Update October 2020
Obviously, this year has been extremely difficult for the people of Mazwi Community but praise God the building works are still slowly ongoing. Sarah and Graham have received donations to enable the putting in of the Septic tank, drainage and pipes for the new building on Plot 707 Mazwi Village.
Obviously, this year has been extremely difficult for the people of Mazwi Community but praise God the building works are still slowly ongoing. Sarah and Graham have received donations to enable the putting in of the Septic tank, drainage and pipes for the new building on Plot 707 Mazwi Village.
Mazwi Building Project Update July 2021
The building works have had to stop currently – for the last 4 weeks as funding is low. The floors have almost completed the screeding. Next to happen will be toilets and basins purchased and fitted and water connection. Estimated costs are US$ 6,000 – US$8,000 depending on costings and availability at the time as there is constant economic change here!
The building works have had to stop currently – for the last 4 weeks as funding is low. The floors have almost completed the screeding. Next to happen will be toilets and basins purchased and fitted and water connection. Estimated costs are US$ 6,000 – US$8,000 depending on costings and availability at the time as there is constant economic change here!
September 2021 update
Building progress. We had a 5 week break with the building whilst we accumulated funds for next bit.
Two large water tanks have been purchased and delivered and the guys have been constructing a tank stand. One tank will go on the flat roof and supply the building, the other will go on the floor base behind the water tank to collect all the roof rain water. Other pictures are ladies/girls toilets with 3 cubicles, the gents/boys from the entrance and the day/sick room
All the floors are now screened.
Building progress. We had a 5 week break with the building whilst we accumulated funds for next bit.
Two large water tanks have been purchased and delivered and the guys have been constructing a tank stand. One tank will go on the flat roof and supply the building, the other will go on the floor base behind the water tank to collect all the roof rain water. Other pictures are ladies/girls toilets with 3 cubicles, the gents/boys from the entrance and the day/sick room
All the floors are now screened.
The first pic is the toilet passageway, the next one is the kitchen with serving hatch into the church hall, the last one is inside the kitchen with serving hatch to Sarah’s classrooms.
December 2021
We are thrilled with the progress to the building on Plot 707. The kitchen has been ordered , paid for and will be delivered and fitted in January. Thank you JIBC, Spain for generous giving which has covered almost all of this.
We have received an amazing donation which will enable us to build the church hall side of the building.
The ECD children were excited to be there one day when the bricks were delivered.
We are thrilled with the progress to the building on Plot 707. The kitchen has been ordered , paid for and will be delivered and fitted in January. Thank you JIBC, Spain for generous giving which has covered almost all of this.
We have received an amazing donation which will enable us to build the church hall side of the building.
The ECD children were excited to be there one day when the bricks were delivered.
March 2022
The Building
Well, what can we say?? It is truly amazing. A very special thank you to JIBC for starting us off with JAMMY and for continued support and to our donor for blessing us with the funding to complete the building. We have gone beyond the ECD block, toilets and kitchen and the church hall is underway!
The building inspector has been and approved all works, hallelujah. he will return on completion of build.
The Building
Well, what can we say?? It is truly amazing. A very special thank you to JIBC for starting us off with JAMMY and for continued support and to our donor for blessing us with the funding to complete the building. We have gone beyond the ECD block, toilets and kitchen and the church hall is underway!
The building inspector has been and approved all works, hallelujah. he will return on completion of build.
Report on current state of building operations November 2022
First, I would like to thank the many contributors for the building project thus far. We are grateful for every one of you and thank God for stirring your hearts to be involved. This project would not have happened without your involvement. A huge thank you to the various Churches who have stood by us through this process and individuals within those churches, which gives me confidence in the scriptures where it states That through the church the manifold wisdom of God will be displayed. We are currently in a position of almost completed, however our current funding has run out and we have had to hold off and stop construction until such time as we receive funds to complete the building. Please may I ask you to pray with us as we look to God to provide for us as he has done so up till now. Bless you all and thank you for standing with us. I will now include photos of how far we have come and showing what needs to be completed.
First, I would like to thank the many contributors for the building project thus far. We are grateful for every one of you and thank God for stirring your hearts to be involved. This project would not have happened without your involvement. A huge thank you to the various Churches who have stood by us through this process and individuals within those churches, which gives me confidence in the scriptures where it states That through the church the manifold wisdom of God will be displayed. We are currently in a position of almost completed, however our current funding has run out and we have had to hold off and stop construction until such time as we receive funds to complete the building. Please may I ask you to pray with us as we look to God to provide for us as he has done so up till now. Bless you all and thank you for standing with us. I will now include photos of how far we have come and showing what needs to be completed.
Shows the toilets fitted and connected to the soak away. Above the space next to water tank ready for another one.
Dear Friends, Family and Supporters of Mazwi Church/ Building and Community.
Thank you for your love and support in seeing us through to this point in time, under Gods provision
and help.
The report I have to update you all is at the moment I (Graham) Have had to pause the remedial works as we do not have any funds to complete what we need to do, and so will take hopefully a short break in proceedings. So far in terms of the works we were required to do. All the vent requirements are
completed, and the Kitchen floor and tiles have been fitted. We only have the ventilation system for the cooker to manufacture and install and then re install all the
The ventilation system that we were quoted on was around $3500 and included a motorized extractor fan and then all the system to run the motor on a solar system and proved to be far too expensive and also a headache in terms of securing the system safely so as to not walk over night. I have opted for a wind turbine one called a Tornado which will be self-extracting and will work as we will only be using the kitchen in daytime hours.
With regards to the building works required we have removed all cracked bricks and replaced them and included reinforced steel bars. We currently have approximately 3 to 4 weeks’ worth of works to complete and then inspection time again.
Other news. We had a great time teaching on Baptism over a few weeks and had 18 to Baptize on
Sunday just gone. God seems to be doing a deep clean with us as a congregation and putting us on
the right track in following and being obedient to Jesus Christ. Experiencing all that we have in HIM.
Sarah is plodding on with ECD even though she cannot use the building yet She also has registered
29 children to start ECD next year. And people are starting to prepare the land for the next planting
season. The 2 cows have calved, and we have a new cow and a bull. God is so Good and it’s the
reason why I do what I do. Please keep praying for us in every area. Blessings and dare I say may you
have a very happy Christmas.
Greetings from a sunny but cold and windy Zimbabwe.
We arrived back on Saturday to no electricity, no water, broken boiler, no internet etc but have survived! We are currently experiencing 18 hours a day power cuts.
You may remember us talking about having Mealie Meal for June and July then receiving a meat donation. We used JIBC last Mission Sunday money to buy Mealie Meal for 60 families in August and received another meat donation. Praise God.
The pics were sent to us while we were in UK and we were blessed to see this provision.
Please pray for our Mazwi families as Food Aid will be needed in this drought for the rest of the year and until harvest next year around March.
We are busy preparing for our big Celebration on 15 September when we join New Creation Church to become New Creation Mazwi. We will gather in the Sundermeier Hall. Thank you to all those who made a flag for bunting – depending on the weather they will be hung around the outside or inside of the building that day and joined by others from UK and Zimbabwe.
Please remember us in prayer on this day.
The damage from the building from the recent break-in is not as extensive as it could have been but we are without a generator and gas cylinders. The toilet doors that were broken are being repaired and as I write this Graham is trying to source a replacement solar pump so we can use water for toilets, hand washing and kitchen.
The ECD Team are preparing the new classrooms for the 26 children to start using next Monday. At last!
The children return to school for Term 3 on Tuesday. Fees and Levies will be paid for the 70 in Primary and Senior School. Our Form 4 children will be writing O levels this term.
Other plans for the near future (after the celebration) are to:
Officially open the Jabulani Centre (Jabulani means Rejoicing)
Start an Old People’s Group (70s +) for those in the community to meet and initially have a weekly lunch together.
Gather our young mums/mums to be under 19 years (there are 6 at the moment) for nurturing and discipleship. Pray that the right person will come forward to lead this.
Put the bore-hole in. We have received a generous gift for this.
Construct a simple small bike/scooter track for the ECD children. (Money received for this)
Seriously consider implementation of self-sustaining initiatives using the land, building and grinding mill.
Prayers for all these are gratefully received.
If you spoke to us while we were in Spain about individually sponsoring a child, HIV support, Widows or Orphans or Graham and Sarah’s personal day to day living expenses or would like to consider this please do email us on [email protected]
We would encourage your regular commitment of tithing to your local church first before giving further. This way we will really be on Mission together!
Next update will have pics and update of all the events about to happen.
Thank you for your love, friendship, prayer and financial giving.
Graham and Sarah
Greetings from a sunny but cold and windy Zimbabwe.
We arrived back on Saturday to no electricity, no water, broken boiler, no internet etc but have survived! We are currently experiencing 18 hours a day power cuts.
You may remember us talking about having Mealie Meal for June and July then receiving a meat donation. We used JIBC last Mission Sunday money to buy Mealie Meal for 60 families in August and received another meat donation. Praise God.
The pics were sent to us while we were in UK and we were blessed to see this provision.
Please pray for our Mazwi families as Food Aid will be needed in this drought for the rest of the year and until harvest next year around March.
We are busy preparing for our big Celebration on 15 September when we join New Creation Church to become New Creation Mazwi. We will gather in the Sundermeier Hall. Thank you to all those who made a flag for bunting – depending on the weather they will be hung around the outside or inside of the building that day and joined by others from UK and Zimbabwe.
Please remember us in prayer on this day.
The damage from the building from the recent break-in is not as extensive as it could have been but we are without a generator and gas cylinders. The toilet doors that were broken are being repaired and as I write this Graham is trying to source a replacement solar pump so we can use water for toilets, hand washing and kitchen.
The ECD Team are preparing the new classrooms for the 26 children to start using next Monday. At last!
The children return to school for Term 3 on Tuesday. Fees and Levies will be paid for the 70 in Primary and Senior School. Our Form 4 children will be writing O levels this term.
Other plans for the near future (after the celebration) are to:
Officially open the Jabulani Centre (Jabulani means Rejoicing)
Start an Old People’s Group (70s +) for those in the community to meet and initially have a weekly lunch together.
Gather our young mums/mums to be under 19 years (there are 6 at the moment) for nurturing and discipleship. Pray that the right person will come forward to lead this.
Put the bore-hole in. We have received a generous gift for this.
Construct a simple small bike/scooter track for the ECD children. (Money received for this)
Seriously consider implementation of self-sustaining initiatives using the land, building and grinding mill.
Prayers for all these are gratefully received.
If you spoke to us while we were in Spain about individually sponsoring a child, HIV support, Widows or Orphans or Graham and Sarah’s personal day to day living expenses or would like to consider this please do email us on [email protected]
We would encourage your regular commitment of tithing to your local church first before giving further. This way we will really be on Mission together!
Next update will have pics and update of all the events about to happen.
Thank you for your love, friendship, prayer and financial giving.
Graham and Sarah
So much has happened in 2 months. We have been trying to put short snippets and pictures out on Facebook as we go along so please do try and access those either by looking at Sarah Giles page or Acacia.
We had a great morning celebrating the merging of two congregations in the long awaited new building. We will now be known as Mazwi New Creation Church. There were more than 300 present from the two sites and we had a meal afterwards created in the new kitchen by Mrs. Hara and her team. The town congregation bought us a new gas cylinder to replace one of the ones that were stolen to enable this to happen and provided 300 drinks. You may spot your flag you decorated for bunting – we hung inside in the end and not outside around the perimeter.
The Mamas HIV Support Group celebrated it’s 9th Anniversary with a visit from a local Dance team and a meal afterwards – also in the new hall.
There are now 36 in the church who are HIV positive and 7 mamas still need sponsorship - £10 a month to give them their transport money for clinic reviews and alternate nutrition and hygiene packs.
It is great to be able to have the ECD (Early Childhood Development) children in our own classroom. There are 27 children aged 4-6years. 15 will be moving on to Primary School and in January there are 34 names on the register.
We have been busy putting a little scooter and bike track in, preparing our portion of the plot for growing maize and learning about Houses, Bears and Transport.
3 of the cows are pregnant and the other milkers are not fat enough to milk so we have had to buy the milk for the children in ECD to have as part of their nutritional snack and the other under 6’s in church have not been receiving.
Food Aid has been a priority as you will remember Zimbabwe is in drought and nobody had any crops at all.
Two Sundays ago we prayed around the Zimbabwe and Spain flags – for one nation to receive rain and for those recovering from the flooding in Valencia. The rains have started – Praise God – and we have seen pics of the whole community in Valencia and wider coming together to help start the enormous task of cleaning up in Valencia.
That morning as we stood together with the 2 flags in the new building made us feel that we really are on mission together. Whilst we may not be able to send money to JIBC we can pray for you and the country you are in.
The road out to Mazwi continues to provide havoc for our vehicle – we almost lost a wheel a few weeks back and this week after the first rains the road is in a big mess and we had not realized until we were almost home that the back window to the canopy had popped out and is no more!
We lost one of our old Gogos and have had a few new babies. There are 11 babies 0-2 on Sunday mornings – some to very young mothers under 19. We are going to gather them for a little nurture/discipleship group and 3 mamas have offered to help serve in this way.
Drilling for a bore-hole did take place but sadly we didn’t hit water. We have purchased a very large tank which will collect rain water in from the roof. The water situation in the community is dire. There is not water every day and when it is delivered the families are queuing from 4am in the morning for their 60litres allowance.
52 adults have been made members of the newly launched church and there is another group of 15-20 who will go through the Vision and Values teaching before they are introduced to membership. We are getting 40-50 teenagers on a Sunday morning. We would love to have a Camp for these guys in February next year where we have them for a full weekend. Hence no outings this year as finances haven’t allowed.
Sarah has been busy measuring children for new school uniforms and ordering shoes etc ready for the new school year in January. There are around 100 children in the School Sponsorship Programme including the ECD children.
The church in Peterborough has sent money for our flights to the UK in December. Graham hopefully will get the Cardiologist appointment (he has been on waiting list for 26 weeks) and we will be able to get supplies of meds to take back to Zimbabwe. NHS requires us to go to UK every 6 months now rather than a year.
We also will meet our latest grandchild (no. 7) and have a family Christmas. Then our luggage will be filled to capacity with all sorts of items for Mazwi and decaffeinated tea and coffee, oxos and toiletries for us! (And maybe some chocolate if Father Christmas comes!)
Prayer Pointers:
Thankfulness for being in the new building, for provision of food for the families, for the recent rain.
For the ongoing water situation in Mazwi and for successful crops (Harvest will be next March)
For maintenance of our vehicle so we can get to and from Mazwi safely.
For Graham and Sarah’s trip to UK in December and for the church congregation whilst we are away.
Finance for the Youth Camp.
We really do appreciate your friendship, prayers and support both to us as a couple and for the work in Mazwi Village.
May God Bless you all during this end of year season.
Much love
Graham and Sarah
So much has happened in 2 months. We have been trying to put short snippets and pictures out on Facebook as we go along so please do try and access those either by looking at Sarah Giles page or Acacia.
We had a great morning celebrating the merging of two congregations in the long awaited new building. We will now be known as Mazwi New Creation Church. There were more than 300 present from the two sites and we had a meal afterwards created in the new kitchen by Mrs. Hara and her team. The town congregation bought us a new gas cylinder to replace one of the ones that were stolen to enable this to happen and provided 300 drinks. You may spot your flag you decorated for bunting – we hung inside in the end and not outside around the perimeter.
The Mamas HIV Support Group celebrated it’s 9th Anniversary with a visit from a local Dance team and a meal afterwards – also in the new hall.
There are now 36 in the church who are HIV positive and 7 mamas still need sponsorship - £10 a month to give them their transport money for clinic reviews and alternate nutrition and hygiene packs.
It is great to be able to have the ECD (Early Childhood Development) children in our own classroom. There are 27 children aged 4-6years. 15 will be moving on to Primary School and in January there are 34 names on the register.
We have been busy putting a little scooter and bike track in, preparing our portion of the plot for growing maize and learning about Houses, Bears and Transport.
3 of the cows are pregnant and the other milkers are not fat enough to milk so we have had to buy the milk for the children in ECD to have as part of their nutritional snack and the other under 6’s in church have not been receiving.
Food Aid has been a priority as you will remember Zimbabwe is in drought and nobody had any crops at all.
Two Sundays ago we prayed around the Zimbabwe and Spain flags – for one nation to receive rain and for those recovering from the flooding in Valencia. The rains have started – Praise God – and we have seen pics of the whole community in Valencia and wider coming together to help start the enormous task of cleaning up in Valencia.
That morning as we stood together with the 2 flags in the new building made us feel that we really are on mission together. Whilst we may not be able to send money to JIBC we can pray for you and the country you are in.
The road out to Mazwi continues to provide havoc for our vehicle – we almost lost a wheel a few weeks back and this week after the first rains the road is in a big mess and we had not realized until we were almost home that the back window to the canopy had popped out and is no more!
We lost one of our old Gogos and have had a few new babies. There are 11 babies 0-2 on Sunday mornings – some to very young mothers under 19. We are going to gather them for a little nurture/discipleship group and 3 mamas have offered to help serve in this way.
Drilling for a bore-hole did take place but sadly we didn’t hit water. We have purchased a very large tank which will collect rain water in from the roof. The water situation in the community is dire. There is not water every day and when it is delivered the families are queuing from 4am in the morning for their 60litres allowance.
52 adults have been made members of the newly launched church and there is another group of 15-20 who will go through the Vision and Values teaching before they are introduced to membership. We are getting 40-50 teenagers on a Sunday morning. We would love to have a Camp for these guys in February next year where we have them for a full weekend. Hence no outings this year as finances haven’t allowed.
Sarah has been busy measuring children for new school uniforms and ordering shoes etc ready for the new school year in January. There are around 100 children in the School Sponsorship Programme including the ECD children.
The church in Peterborough has sent money for our flights to the UK in December. Graham hopefully will get the Cardiologist appointment (he has been on waiting list for 26 weeks) and we will be able to get supplies of meds to take back to Zimbabwe. NHS requires us to go to UK every 6 months now rather than a year.
We also will meet our latest grandchild (no. 7) and have a family Christmas. Then our luggage will be filled to capacity with all sorts of items for Mazwi and decaffeinated tea and coffee, oxos and toiletries for us! (And maybe some chocolate if Father Christmas comes!)
Prayer Pointers:
Thankfulness for being in the new building, for provision of food for the families, for the recent rain.
For the ongoing water situation in Mazwi and for successful crops (Harvest will be next March)
For maintenance of our vehicle so we can get to and from Mazwi safely.
For Graham and Sarah’s trip to UK in December and for the church congregation whilst we are away.
Finance for the Youth Camp.
We really do appreciate your friendship, prayers and support both to us as a couple and for the work in Mazwi Village.
May God Bless you all during this end of year season.
Much love
Graham and Sarah